Administrative Staff

Administrative Assistant - Caitrin Irish

Administrative Assistant - Caitrin Irish

Functioning as both the Town Hall receptionist and Permit Technician, this position is also responsible for handling marquee requests and scheduling use of Town rental facilities. 

Code Enforcement - Doug DaFoe

Code Enforcement - Doug DaFoe

The Code Enforcement Officer administers the provisions of the Town Code by responding to complaints of potential code violations, issuing notices for corrections, reviewing and and issuing various permits, and assisting with building permit applications and inspections.

Community Development Director - Kimberly White

Community Development Director - Kimberly White

The Community Development Director is involved in planning for growth and development within the Town of Grand Lake, including areas under consideration for annexation to the Town. She works extensively with the Board of Trustees and the Planning Commission on many items including Town Code revisions, reviews land use and building permit applications and accomplishes zoning inspections. 

Community Engagement Manager - Katie Hearsum

Community Engagement Manager - Katie Hearsum

The Community Engagement Manager is responsible for communicating important information to the public regarding events, emergency notifications and other local notices through a variety of methods including the Town website, e-mail blasts, social media channels and posting flyers. Katie serves as the Town Webmaster, Public Information Officer (PIO), Clerk Pro-Tem and Marketing Coordinator for the Grand Lake Center. She also manages the town's Gateway Community program in partnership with the Continental Divide Trail Coalition (CDTC).

Town Clerk - Alayna Carrell

Town Clerk - Alayna Carrell

The Town Clerk takes the official minutes at Town meetings, publishes all ordinances and legal notices, issues liquor and business licenses, administers the Grand Lake Cemetery and manages all aspects of municipal elections.

Town Manager - John Crone

Town Manager - John Crone

The Town Manager is Chief Administrative Officer of the Town government. He is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the efficient administration of all departments of the Town government, as well as overseeing Town Staff. 

Town Treasurer - Heike Wilson

Town Treasurer - Heike Wilson

The Treasurer serves as the fiduciary custodian of all the Town's financial accounts and records, and is responsible for all accounts payable, accounts receivable, water billings, payroll and sales tax information, in addition to annual budget and audit preparation.